I can recall ,in kindergarten, learning the days of the week. Everyday had its alliterative animal (friday froggy, tuesday turtle) and we'd sing a little song each morning according to the day to the tune of "the farmer in the dell (...hi-ho the dairy-o its monday monkey day)." Each day was pleased to be conjoined to one of God's creatures except poor Thursday. Think about it. What simple understandable animal would jive with the 'th' sound in Thursday?? My creative teachers decided to brand it not with an animals, but an adorable critter from cinema: THUMPER!!! Thursday Thumper day!!! Now thats problem solving! So considering we missed Bottom Heavy Humpday for this post, today's post could simply be Thursday Thumper day. Cool huh? Thanks Miss Moore and Griffith Elementary for your assistance in this post.

BWillackers is offering you a terrific thirty minutes of UK style dubstep. This aint yer beef-head cargo pants fist pumping style bro-step for this one. We's gots culture! With original tracks from trolley snatcha, eskmo and guttstar to remixes of sleigh bells, imogen heap, dizzee rascal this one growls!! I've added quite a few sound bites from my favorite moments in television and cinema too!! From 'the office,' 'princess bride,' and 'anchorman.' you might wonder why? I found a super sweet sound bite library online and had a download fest one glorious afternoon. Enjoy, guys!!!
If you're loving the freebies etc, please like me on FB, tell all yer friends and repost repost repost!!
sleigh bells _ tell 'em ( kingdom rmx )
dizzee rascal _ i luv you ( geroge lenton rmx )
guttstar _ to have and have not
imogen heap _ headlock ( cryptex rmx )
eskmo _ cloudlight
excision&DZ _ round 2
trolley Snatcha & the others _ break your neck
foreign office _ voices ( idlecreature rmx )