
Dubstep remix from our favorite car commercial

You probably remember the original track from a car commercial, circa 2003. It went like so: a Mitsubishi packed with smartly dressed and ethnically diverse club kids drives through highly illuminated metropolitan streets. The track banging through our television speakers while the star of the advert, a young and talented club darling, pops-and-locks in the passenger seat.  The track made it big for about five days, Mitsubishi Eclipse sales increased by a half of a percent, and the general populous of young America still insisted on purchasing Linkin Park. Electronic music in America has about as much difficulty breaking into the mainstream market as water polo does.

Here's BWillackers offering for BOTTOM HEAVY HUMPDAY. A sweet version of Dirty Vegas' "Days go by," remixed by Mimosa - dubstep style FOOLS!!

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