
"Mind the Gap" art from Phil Frost and Barry McGee

Tucked into an ex-Tower Records space in Los Angeles is the gallery PRISM.  Right now they are having an exhibit titled "Mind the Gap." In this exhibit are two of my favorite po-mo/outsider artists (blah blah blah) Barry McGee and Phil Frost. I found out about this out-a-site show over at Kitsune Noir. Barry's over-the-top color patterns are as whimsical as they are engaging.  For me, I enjoy art that makes me smile. I am fully aware of the borderline juvenile nature of that notion for someone who claims to be one of this ilk himself . Nonethelss I stand behind my childlike wonder and snot-nose fascination over pattern, color and subject matter. Go ahead, judge me. You'll remember Phil Frost's work from Dj Shadow's legendary sophmore release "Preemptive Strike." I dug trenches in those records.  Take a gander at these images and this spectacularly currated exhibit.

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